Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone With A New Deworming Strategy – Posted By: Bovine Veterinarian

A limited number of dewormers — and active ingredients — are available on the market, which is why it’s important for veterinarians and cattle producers to know how each product works and how these products can best be utilized.

“Dewormers interfere with the parasite’s bodily function at the cellular level, and by disrupting that cellular function, they cause paralysis and death,” said Mike Nichols, DVM, Boehringer Ingelheim. “Producers are often encouraged to rotate parasite-control products in order to improve efficacy and enhance herd performance.”

The challenge is that you may think you’re using different dewormers, but in reality, you may not be. Macrocyclic lactones and benzimidazoles are the two general categories, or classes, of deworming products on the market, each having different chemical structures. [READ MORE]