Dedicated to the advancement of producers through a goal oriented focus on animal health and performance.
Happy Customers Say it Best...
"We feel so fortunate here at the 5 Bar 6 Ranch to have found Mountain Valley Veterinary Services to care for our large animals! We so appreciate having a veterinarian that will come to us and who provides such excellent care and advice. Ben handles our horses and other animals with gentle ease and takes our concerns seriously, he returns our calls promptly and is always willing to come to the ranch if needed. We Highly recommend Mountain Valley Veterinary Services!"
5 Bar 6 Ranch, Livingston, MT
Happy Customers Say it Best...
"This is filler text to show you what your new website will look like with content added. This text will be replaced by the text you provide during the content-adding phase. This is where you can put a testimonial."
John Smith, Smith Cattle Co.
Happy Customers Say it Best...
"This is filler text to show you what your new website will look like with content added. This text will be replaced by the text you provide during the content-adding phase. This is where you can put a testimonial."
John Smith, Smith Cattle Co.